This picture really says it all! We were fortunate enough to see the last shuttle launch at night and it was fantastic As you may or may not know, it went off flawlessly at 8:00 PM this past Friday evening.
If you look close you see everything...the launch...a beautiful full moon....and everyone on the beach trying to take a picture of an unbelievably awesome event. The picture below is with telephoto and brings the event somewhat closer, but we were quite some distance which was made really apparent as the sound was substantially delayed from the actual view we were seeing. When we did hear the sound it was loud!We hadn't planned on being in the area as we had made our campground reservations some time ago. When we learned of the opportunity, we tried to make sure to see it. Our friends the Armstrong's called and we made arrangements to meet them for dinner at "Paul's Smokehouse". Its a great restaurant almost directly across from the launch site. The food was good and they allowed us to just sit and wait prior to the launch in a most comfortable atmosphere, with lots of food and drink. After sitting some time with all our treats and dinner, we went outside to the watch along with what appeared to be thousands of others who all were on the road home afterward.