After changing a flat tire and the late start, we did not get as far as we had hoped on day, but we are now in Kinston, North Carolina where we plan to stay thru the weekend. Today we spent exploring the area, fixing the tire and looking over the campground were staying at since we arrived after dark. We are staying at the Neuseway Nature Park located right on the Neuse River in the middle of Kinston which surprisingly larger that we thought. There are only 14 campsites and all are full hookup. We are right on the bank of the river......This place is really quite nice! Next to us on the river and available for rental was a tipi on a platform which was really sizable although I'm not sure how you would transport the poles when going camping.
Among other things there was the nature center with lots of stuffed and live animals on display for school groups even a climbing wall outside the center.
Oh! did I mention they had a small train with a real caboose for a ticket office.
We also looked around the city of Kinston to see what was interesting besides being an old southern town with lots of classic houses. One thing we we spotted was this replica of and ironclad ship that was built during the civil war in secret on the Neuse river that was later scuttled to prevent the yankees from capturing her. Of interest they dismantled an old locomotive steam for power. Now its on display right downtown Kinston.
Were off to the coast tomorrow hopefully we will see some of the wild horses.