Munising is located along the shore of Lake Superior in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with Grand Island just off shore and Pictured Rocks National Park just to the East of the city. It is a nice little village in a protected bay with landscapes and seascapes that are fantastic. The only limiting factor it has is its distance from major metropolitan areas.....that and the really cold water of Lake Superior.The photo below is from a small launch site for boats just West of Munising and a good example of the shore line of the picturesque Lake Superior
The primary reason for visiting the Munising area was our former neighbors and friends the Gordons who retired to the "woods" and built a log cabin in what most would consider the boonies. Actually, it is a bit out of town but adjacent to one of the beautiful waterfalls in the Upper Peninsula on the Laughing Whitefish River. The series of pictures below show the falls that are really quite unique. The water drops 80 or 100 feet or so and at the time we were there the flow was minimal. Spring time it really roars.
Next stop is Cedarville, Michigan near the Les Cheneaux Islands.