Cedarville, Michigan is located on the eastern tip of the upper peninsula along the shores of Lake Huron and in the middle of the Les Cheneaux Islands. Its a beautiful area that was especially popular with summer vacationers and perch fisherman. Today's claim to fame is the nearby annual wooden boat festival that draws old "woodies" from all over for their show. For quite a number of years our friends the Thompsons have talked us into visiting and we have enjoyed it immensely. Both pictures below were taken out the front window of the motorhome so you can see how picturesque it is.One of the things the area is noted for are all the old "crib" docks.....it almost reminds you of the shoreline in the Northeast United States ...as well as a number of "boathouses" that are way beyond your average cottage. The campground is really very nice with a number of sites that you can just look out the front window and watch the water. It's being condominiumized right now and the pricing is relatively reasonable compared to what we have seen elswhere. Marge however has this thing about the UP (unacceptable except to visit occasionally), so as much as we (I) like it we will visit.