For some reason the last two months have not been the most satisfying relative to dealing with the internet and all the various connections to it. We have "suffered" through old fashion land lines to private service and even tried Comcast again which was the final straw! WE MISS OUR DATASTORM!!!! As you may recall, that was the one item that was not covered under the insurance...... we needed a rider to cover that type of item. I finally broke down and signed up for the private service that Sunshine Key offers. For the time being we will have better connections and hopefully, I will keep up a little better now.
We have been here now a little over two weeks and have been busy since we got here seeing old friends and settling in. All of us have had some real problems with management this past fall as they seemed to change the rules and particularly the costs with regard to having a boat down here. Bottom line is that the cost of having a boat went sky high by virtue of the fact that we can no longer keep the boat on site for free, but are now required to keep it either in the dry racks they were to have built or in a marina slip. All this at an increase of about $500.00 a month or more minimum. Needless to say there were a lot of upset people. The racks, however (seen below) still are not finished and management had to back pedal. Next year will be interesting as we are aware of many who are not returning or at least for not for the length of time we usually do. all a due to these new costs. Unfortunately, the Florida Keys as beautiful as they are and the cost of being here ... has started to force people to look elsewhere. Times change! An interesting side note is that there are many vacancies where there never were in previous years. Perhaps due to the cost of fuel but the change in policies at this campground have certainly had some effect.
New animal alert.....Iguana's. They have invaded this small Key. Not easily seen but fascinating to watch. The ones we have seen seem young or smaller than we have seen in other areas of the keys but they are neat!Look close .....he's there in the tree by our motorhome.
We have been doing a little fishing with great success and eating our catch regularly.....There is nothing like fishing during the day and then having fresh fish for dinner in the evening. Our friend Dave Harris is down to fish for a day or two ....will let you know how that turns out.