Thursday, September 07, 2006

Jag's on the Manistee

We just spent the holiday weekend on the Manistee River at our friends place where they actually made a campsite for us to use. See below:

The weekend turned out to be really nice with warm sunshine during the day and cool evenings to sleep well. We had a campfire each night and canoed the river one day and spent some time at a crapshow in Houghton Lake.....sorry I meant to say craft show.......

The Manistee River as always is beautiful.....

We did run across something a little unique. The guy that lives below has put in his supply of wood for the year and then some. I'm not sure how he will get the upper logs down without the whole thing collapsing but it is quite a pile of logs!

Next stop for us will be Harsens Island for a visit with old friends in two weeks.