Sounds pretty good doesn't it!
Some years ago while exploring some of the marina areas we came across one area where the marina owner decided to build a series of houseboats to rent for the winter season or for that matter tried to provide some less expensive housing. There were 12 units built with each one having two apartments. It was really a neat concept and with the pricing going sky high down here, somewhat economical. Hurricane Andrew came through and they survived that storm ok sustaining repairable damage, but this time WoW!!!

Marge and I have noticed that the more we move around the more we become aware of the damage that this last years storms have caused. A great deal of the public areas have been cleaned up and gave us the impression of less damage when we first arrived but in shopping and exploring we have seen substantial more damage. By the way that add attached is from this weeks Keynoter Classified secction if anyone is interested.