One of the problems for full timers and others that have hobbies and interests that require things like fourwheelers and boats, is the transporting of them when you move. The RV industry in recent times have come out with built in garages and have coined the word "toyhauler" into the description for the units they produce that have storage for these toys. For the last twenty years we have been hauling a inflatable 12' boat and motor and stored them on board the motorhome without problem. Times have now changed as we have purchased the new 19' Mako fishing boat a Travel with boat and truck and motorhome now presents unique problems. Do you take two vehicles and drive both down the road? Here at Sunshine Key some have found solutions by special trailers......The first two pictures are of a system from Heimgartner Trailer Systems ( and is intended for aluminum light weight boats in conjunction with a special lightweight trailer. The second, manufactured by Built Rite Trailers is substantial to say the least, and frankly approaches the weight limit for towing (10,000#). This second unit would work very well for our situation and will be something to consider in the future.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Moving the Toys
Saturday, March 17, 2007
A Day at Key West
Each year we go to Key West a number of times to see the sights and watch everyone having a good time. One of the stops my friends Ross, Art and I like to make is the marina at stock island where there is always someone working on a project boat. The boat below is an old Alco from the 1930's or so being redone. We thought that it was originally a launch used to transport people to and from larger boats and we were told the guy that was working on it planned to do somewhat the same as a commercial venture after restoration was complete. There wasn't much else to look at which pleased the ladies so we went on into Key West. After shopping and wandering around for a few hours we always meet up at Sloppy Joe's where we were fortunate enough to see Pete and Wayne's show. Risque!!!! but great fun.
We took over a table by the open window/door and while waiting for everyone to show we met a nice couple, John and Sonja on vacation from the cold north. They joined us and we helped them prepare for Sonja's planned mechanical bull riding event later in the evening. Unfortunately, we missed that, but we did enjoy meeting them and wished them well
The reason we missed the bull riding was the wonderful dinner at Pepe's which we would recommend to all if your ever in Key West. The meal was great and atmosphere unique as only a restaurant in Key West can be. The structure and signage certainly wasn't new but don't let that scare your away from and excellent meal.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Snowbird Plantings
I'm not sure exactly the reason...... whether it's an opportunity to have a touch of home or what, but most snowbirds seem to plant either some vegetables or flowering plants. We have done that in the past with Hibiscus plants outside our door every year. They really are nice with new flowers most mornings. This year I decided to try something with zucchini plants which has worked out well with a limited crop coming in now. I'm not sure whether there is too much sun or what but I have been disappointed with the crop to this date. We have watered regularly but they are not the large size I expected.
Our neighbors tomatoes
Of course, it would be much simpler to just go to the outdoor market or flea market for vegetables and probably pay a normal price for these items but instead we buy potting soil, pots fertilizer, seeds........ which probably works out 20 or 30 times a price for what we do get...but it is fun!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Manatees Redux
We have had warmer temperatures this last week and yesterday after returning to the marina from a less than successful fishing trip we were surprised to see our manatee buddy from the other day back with 5 or six of his friends. Our buddy was easily recognized by the scars on his body and cut tail, but his friends did not seemed to be as marked up as he was which is probably a good sign.
Our neighbor is a skindiver and has enjoyed going to an area called "the horseshoe" which is an area nearby that was dredged out for fill and has become a good place to fish from shore and dive. On his last dive he was fortunate enough to swim with a manatee and its youngster for some time without alarming them.....even allowing him to "pet" the young one. Unfortunately, his wife wasn't able to get a picture.